Prepurchase Exams
A prepurchase exam is a veterinary health evaluation to determine the usefulness of a particular horse for a particular discipline at a specific activity level, before the details of the purchase agreement are finalized. The information obtained during the examination is summarized and documented. If you are at all concerned about a horse's health or soundness, you should have a thorough prepurchase exam performed, especially if you are an inexperienced buyer, or if distance and scheduling has kept you from personally evaluating the horse. The information gathered from the examination, as an added benefit can also be used to complete an interstate or international health certificate and insurance exam if necessary.
The purchase of a new horse can not only be an exciting and extremely rewarding, it can also be a very frustrating experience, especially for the absentee buyer, who themselves, their agent or representative are unable to attend the examination. We are dedicated to make this process as smooth as possible. All examination results are promptly forwarded, including any digital media, to the prospective buyer and/or their agent. The examination can be tailored to suit the buyer's needs. We will advise you on what procedures are important for the different breeds and disciplines. This evaluation is as comprehensive as possible in order to help the client make an informed and educated decision, not only on the suitability, but the serviceability of the particular equine prospect.
Typical areas of concern are:
Contact Us To Schedule Your Exam.
(208)466-9440 (office)
(208)890-9440 (cell)